What Does a Frontend Developer Do?

What does a Frontend Developer do?

In this position you are responsible for - as the name suggests - the "front end" of a (web) application. Such a front is visible to the user and is also called user interface (UI) or user interface. He or she ensures that the application looks good and works well on different devices. What exactly does this mean? In this article you can read everything about the position of a Frontend Developer.


What is Frontend development?

A frontend - also called front or user interface (UI) - is the part of a (web) application that is visible to the user. This includes all elements that a user sees on a website or an app.

It is important that the application is made as attractive as possible for the visitor, offers the right content and is at the same time clear to navigate. For this purpose, a design is first created, which is converted into a real (web) application by the Frontend Developer.

This is done using programming languages ​​such as JavaScript, HTML or CSS. This allows the Back-end Developer to later make a good connection with the back-end of the application.

A good frontend must meet a number of guidelines:

  • Clear display on any device and browser. The user interface can differ per device and that is why it is very important to create a responsive design. The functionality of a PC with a monitor is very different from a smartphone with a touchscreen.
  • Clear layout and navigation, so that the visitor can find their way. This ensures conversion optimization.
  • Design in accordance with the corporate identity of an organization.
  • SEO work such as the use of rich media, pages that load quickly and a good page layout for bots.


What does a Frontend Developer do?

A Frontend Developer is responsible for the user part of an application or website. He or she ensures that the application or website looks good and works with the highest possible resolution on different devices, operating systems and browsers.

You are involved in designing, programming, testing and implementing the part of the (web) application that is visible to visitors. In addition to looking good, you also take into account user-friendliness, loading time of the website and findability in search engines.

The tasks and responsibilities of a Frontend Developer differ per organization and position. They range from the design to the user experience: the work is very diverse. The most common tasks are:

  • Developing designs of (web) applications in a responsive layout, specific typography and corporate identity.
  • Technical development of designs.
  • Writing code in programming languages ​​such as JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
  • Making the right connection between technology and designs.
  • Improving web pages and landing pages.
  • Optimizing user-friendliness and findability.
  • Collaborate with Back-end Developers, functional designers and other specialists.
  • The role within the team

In a multidisciplinary team, the frontend developer plays a crucial role in bringing web designs to life and making applications interactive. They work closely with UX/UI designers to transform visual concepts into functional and attractive web pages. Collaboration with back-end developers is equally essential, as they provide the server-side functionalities required for data processing and storage.


What do you need to be able to do in this position?

A successful frontend developer must be skilled in using a wide range of tools and technologies. The fundamentals - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - are essential, but knowledge of frameworks such as React, Vue.js, and Angular can significantly increase a developer's productivity and capabilities. Version control tools like Git are crucial for team collaboration, while pre-processors and build tools streamline the development process. In addition, it is important that you:

  • Can clearly understand customer objectives and take into account the customer's wishes and needs.
  • Can work well with other teams to achieve a common goal and deliver a good end product.
  • You have analytical skills, creativity, accuracy and good communication skills.
  • You are always aware of the latest developments in your field.