What Does a Scrum Master Do?

What exactly is a Scrum Master and what does the position of Scrum Master look like?

The Scrum Master is one of the roles we know from the Scrum methodology. A methodology that is characterized in practice by creating software or products in a flexible way. This way of working is not only reflected in software development, but can be used for several things.


What is Scrum?

Before we explain the function of Scrum Master in more detail, we will first tell you more about what exactly Scrum is. Without this information, the function is difficult to understand.

Scrum is an Agile working method that makes it possible to develop software or products in a flexible way. With a traditional working method you spend a lot of time and attention on preparation, with a Scrum working method you want to add value for the customer as quickly as possible.

The Scrum team is a multidisciplinary and self-organizing development team that works in short cycles, also called sprints. These sprints consist of a number of fixed Scrum events (meetings) to structure the process.

In the Scrum team you will always find a development team, product owner, scrum master and stakeholder. Together they ensure effective and efficient delivery or further development of software in a short period of time.


What is a Scrum Master?

A Scrum Master is someone who is responsible for correct compliance with the Scrum approach. However, a Scrum team decides for itself when to pick up which activities.

The Scrum Master cannot therefore act as a project manager, but has more of a role as a 'facilitator'. He or she ensures that the Scrum team has everything within reach to carry out the work properly. It is best to compare the role with a process supervisor or coach of a team.


What does a Scrum Master do?

A Scrum Master ensures that the Scrum approach is implemented correctly in the team. He or she guides the software development process and ensures that the framework is followed. You act as a link between the technical development team and the Product Owner . He or she has no special authority over other team members, as the name might suggest.

To correctly implement the Scrum approach, the Scrum Master has a number of important tasks and responsibilities:

  • Training the Scrum team. Consider the Product Owner, stakeholders and other interested parties within the organization.
  • Facilitating and chairing so-called Scrum Meetings, so that all meetings have a clear purpose and agenda.
  • Set up and manage the backlog. This includes the so-called sprints (tasks/activities).
  • Maintaining the Scrum tooling.
  • Improving the team process by teaching the team Scrum principles and encouraging Agile development.
  • Ensure that no obstacles stand in the way of the Scrum team for the most efficient process possible.


What do you need to be able to do in this position?

As a Scrum Master, it is important that you are proactive and reactive, results-oriented and have a healthy dose of perseverance. The Scrum method enables teams to respond to customer needs themselves, which requires a lot of independence and responsibility.

In order to work as efficiently and effectively as possible, it is important that the Scrum Master can work self-organizing. And you also know how to convey this well to the Scrum team by coaching and guiding them during the development process. That is why as a Scrum Master you must also have good communication and listening skills.

In addition, it is of course important that you know all the ins and outs about the Scrum methodology and can work Agile . You continuously learn to always be aware of the latest developments in Scrum principles and Agile development.